Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 157: Spread seeds of happiness

It's sunny outside and gorgeous and I was feeling a tad cranky (I know, shocking. Blame pregnancy hormones!) I decided the only way to get out of my "mood" was to bring someone else happiness!

I went for a walk on my break and stopped by the Tangerine store. It's a little boutique in Rochester that has the cutest unique and inspiring things!

I picked up a book I had been planning to get. It's called "Dear Daughter". I'm excited about it because it's a journal /questions for advice, etc. I plan to give it to my daughters when they're older and the time is right. I was never close to my mother and I felt I missed a huge portion of my life connecting. This is my way of leaving apart of me behind that they can look at when they want to know what my perspective on life, love and other stuff. :)

As I was checking out, I noticed a little bin of these weird looking clay painted balls. They are called "seeds of happiness". Each seed you purchase had a card with the story behind "seeds of happiness". [See image below]

How perfect for an act of kindness today in the midst of my pregnancy induced crankiness, eh? :-p

Purchased one. Walked out and already felt lighter in my step. As I was walking back to work, I saw the Think credit union and decided to go in and give it to someone. Walked right up to the clerk, told her I had a gift for her. She looked shocked and it brought a huge smile to her face "For me?!!" she said. "Yep! Have a wonderful day" and I left.

My mood quickly changed. That seed of happiness helped me too!

For more information on 'Seeds of Happiness' check out the link here:



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