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Leaps of Kindness
366 Acts
of Kindness
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day 65: Appreciate a teacher
This morning, rolo cookies were given to my daughters teacher.
It totally made her teachers day, and my daughter was so excited watching how overjoyed her teacher got. :)
and I passed on the easy recipe!
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About Me
Danielle Teal
2012 - Leap Year - 366 acts of kindness. One kind act a day for 366 days. Follow the journey. Pass it on. :)
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Blog Archive
Day 91: Lollipops for kids
Day 90: Donate toward Igors new shoes
Day 89: Share about other random acts of kindness
Day 88: Facebook "likes" helps squash hunger
Day 87: Give away free wild tickets
Day 86: Count your blessings
Day 85: Support family
Day 84: Make someone (lots) laugh
Day 83: Mango Smoothie for the Administrative Assi...
Day 82: Left over desserts save the day
Day 81: Host a party- collect donations
Day 80: Surprise breakfast and treats for a meeting
Day 79: Donate to Salvation Army
Day 78: Wild Ticket giveaway
Day 77: Strawberry pretzel dessert goes home with ...
Day 76: Volunteer for United Way - Connect the dots
Day 75: Donate to Faith Lodge
Day 74: Help a volunteer
Day 73: Surprise Bank Tellers with Shamrock Cookies
Day 72: Tell your friends you are grateful for them.
Day 71: Give feedback on good service
Day 70: Put money in candy/ toy machines
Day 69: Labels for Education
Day 68: Volunteer at a school
Day 67: Purge and donate toys
Day 66: Help March of Dimes
Day 65: Appreciate a teacher
Day 64: Share positive affirmations
Day 63: Bake with kids
Day 62: Measure your carbon footprint
Day 61: Save a life
Day 12: Take what you need
Example: My version :) My version: My best friend Alissa, told me about th...
Day 337: Help college student with math
I know what some of you are thinking. Help someone with math? Danielle? haha. I sort of did. I went and picked up the college student I ha...
Day 334: Two boys that follow this blog - become recipients
Towards the beginning of the year, I had a friend post on my facebook telling me that her sons follow this act of kindness blog. It made me ...
Day 335: A friend is sick - here I come!
My friend Paul shared that he wasn't feeling well. He had went into work and came home from a head cold that's been going around. ...
Day 333: Start a cause
My idea was generated from seeing D's tiara yesterday morning. I started wearing it. I instantly felt empowered, worthy and strong. I...
Day 332: Contribute towards a friends documentary
I saw that a friend needed stories about online dating for his documentary that he was working on. I sent him a note offering to contribute!...
Day 329: Let another woman know she's incredible
Awhile back I had a friends mom add me on facebook. I noticed her posts and incredible perseverance. She had a liver transplant in her 30...
Day 14: Locks of Love
The day is finally here. I've been growing my hair out for Locks of Love. December 2010, I met a young girl at a Tonic Sol Fa concert I ...
Day 47: Support the Girl Scout ....cookies
Nobody rush the doors but if you didn't know already, Girl Scout cookies are being sold. Right. Now!!! And I bought 5 boxes :-o I'...
Day 2: Be the Match
A few weeks ago I read about Ceci Christenson, a young teen who was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), the name for a group of b...
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366 Acts
of Kindness
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