Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 337: Help college student with math

I know what some of you are thinking. Help someone with math? Danielle? haha.

I sort of did. I went and picked up the college student I have been mentoring periodically. He needed help with putting together his final essays and work on some math. I took one look at the math problems....mind.blown. I had to post on my facebook page to see out the help from many of my math guru friends! But we got it squared away.

He got his essays figured out (I put together questions for him and then laid out how an essay should look like)

When I dropped him off, he asked if he could give me a hug and thanked me for my help. Sometimes all someone needs is someone to have another persons back. A cheerleader saying you can do it.

(I think my blog is caught up! Hath no fear, acts of kindness occur daily! It can be a bit of a struggle getting this posted because Madi,my adorable cute little daughter likes to stay up during the time I usually posted this. :))

Day 335: A friend is sick - here I come!

My friend Paul shared that he wasn't feeling well. He had went into work and came home from a head cold that's been going around.

I brought him a bag with ramen noodle soup, candy (because seriously, it chocolate makes a cold go away - you heard it from me first!) and emergen-c (this stuff is awesome).

Paul, hope you feel better bud!!!

Day 334: Two boys that follow this blog - become recipients

Towards the beginning of the year, I had a friend post on my facebook telling me that her sons follow this act of kindness blog. It made me realize the magnitude of doing the acts of kindness and that even young people would follow. It inspired me. Motivated me.

Little did they know that they would become recipients of this new years resolution towards the end of the year!

I put together a box of goodies with a remote controlled helicopter. The note said "Dream Big, Aim high"

They should get it on Monday, Dec 3rd!!!

Day 333: Start a cause

My idea was generated from seeing D's tiara yesterday morning. I started wearing it. I instantly felt empowered, worthy and strong. I'd like to start sending tiaras (and a note) to women experiencing heartache and obstacles. Starting off with those I know experiencing something or just needs a pick me up or just to let them know I care. I'd then like to build a website to inspire and motivate women to wear their tiaras with self talk - understand and believe in their worth, letting them know they are not alone.

As a result, I hope to start an organization that facilitates opportunities for speakers and motivational perspectives to enlighten and open women up to their ultimate goals and desires.

This would help:
-single mothers
-women experiencing divorce
-domestic violence
-mid-life crisis's
-teen girls (bullied, building confidence, etc)
- all women and girls that need a lift up :)

Basically, a cause showing that other women are fighting for other women.

I posted this on my facebook. There's now over 50 people involved and behind this cause. I will post a picture of the logo but I think the final name for this will be "Tiara's with love"!!!!