Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 314: How can I help?

Oh, what a day. In the midst of dealing with some negativity, I had kindness bestowed on my family. It's true when they say that things happen right when you need them, and they did! I received an email from my sister and friend Megan. A bunch of my friends pooled together and got Madi a gift card for diapers (very much needed!) a giftcard to a store for Destiny and I. I couldn't even see my phone screen from the tears blurring the display. Thank YOU all for making my girls and I a random act of kindness!

Tonight as I was sending out quick Facebook messages of thanks, I noticed a status from a friend feeling discouraged and defeated. I sent her a message directly asking how I could help.

It seems no one is exempted from obstacles or challenges, huh? <3


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